“Glitter Rose Bouquet Box” 3D Pop-up Greeting Card


Send them flowers that will never wither away for the perfect gift that keeps on giving! These gorgeous glitter roses are presented in a unique 3D paper art pop up box for a one of kind rose bouquet that is easy to display for years to come as a reminder of your love. Stunning detail and beauty, this bouquet of roses are perfect for any occasion.

Send your loved one this unique pop-up box with a personalized handwritten message on card stock added to the envelop to preserve the beauty of the art in the pop-up box

  • Glitter Rose Bouquet Box 3D pop-up box (8″ x 5″)
  • Premium Envelope included

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Gift Wrap

  • Various designs with luxurious papers, embellishments, and matching cards

  • Add Personalized Message for Card (Optional) *

    Max: 150 characters

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